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Información sobre eventos y noticias relacionadas con las lineas de investigación de la DGFM.

1. EVENTO DESI Fest-México 

Estamos organizando un mini evento con un par de cursos avanzados de temas relacionados con DESI dirigido a estudiantes avanzados e investigadores trabajando en temas de clustering. Los mini-cursos ocurrirán jueves 28 y viernes 29 de Noviembre de 10 a 13 horas, el programa aun esta en construcción pero seria clustering el tema, por lo que se requiere cierta familiaridad con conceptos de base, cualquier duda manden un mail. Si tienen estudiantes interesados por favor envíenles la información para que se registren a la brevedad (para registrarse solo tienen que enviarnos un mail). Aceptaremos participantes hasta llenar el cupo de los salones.

Mariana Vargas y Sebastien Fromenteau


Perimeter is currently accepting applications for The Simons Emmy Noether Fellows Program at Perimeter Institute, which enables outstanding theoretical physicists to pursue research at Perimeter while on leave from their faculty positions at their home institutions.

The Simons Emmy Noether Fellowships are central to Perimeter’s initiatives to support female physicists. Perimeter Institute promotes an inclusive, welcoming culture and a family-friendly workplace.

We hope you will share this information by:

Program and application information can be found at

Deadline for applications is January 13, 2020.

Thank you in advance for sharing this information.


Luis Lehner
Chair of the Faculty, Perimeter Institute

3. Applications are now open for the first KIPAC PAVES Program. 

This program is aimed at increasing scientific interactions in the areas of astrophysics and cosmology between members of KIPAC at Stanford University and SLAC, and researchers primarily in Central and South America, Mexico, the Caribbean, Africa, South and Southeast Asia.

We invite applications from interested graduate students, postdoctoral researchers, and faculty members currently affiliated to academic institutions from the regions mentioned above. Undergraduates who are expected to complete their degrees in 2020, and who have extensive research experience in the fields of astrophysics and cosmology can also apply.

Selected undergraduate and graduate students will be funded to travel to Stanford in early June to attend a week-long workshop, and work with a host at KIPAC. For selected postdoctoral and faculty members, this program will provide funds to visit Stanford and work with KIPAC members on well-defined scientific projects for a week. A list of KIPAC researchers interested in hosting visitors under this program can be found online, along with more information about the program, at

Interested applicants should submit a cover letter detailing their interest in the program, the name of their preferred KIPAC host, and a copy of their CV by December 1, 2019.The KIPAC host should be selected from the list at For graduate student, and undergraduate, applicants, we also require the name of a person who can provide a letter of reference for the applicant. All application materials should be submitted via email to Applicants will be informed about the status of their applications by January 15, 2020.